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Street Safety & Neighborhood Speed Limits

In 2018, City Council directed staff to prepare a speed limit reduction strategy for neighborhood streets, including a recommended speed for different street types, an implementation plan and complementary roadway design changes. The City aims to begin engaging citizens and businesses prior to the end of 2019 with the goal of providing a recommendation to Council in June 2020.

Four scenarios will be presented with varying expected outcomes for collision, injury and fatality reduction:

  1. Unposted speed limit of 30 km/h on both residential and collector streets.
  2. Unposted speed limit of 30 km/h on residential streeets with collectors posted at 50 km/h.
  3. Unposted speed limit of 40 km/h on both residential and collector streets.
  4. No change* (Amendment to the 2019 October 23 Standing Policy Committee recommendations to Council)

The recommendations in this report will be discussed at the 2019 November 18 meeting of Council.

City-wide maps showing the streets each scenario would apply are linked below. Broadly, residential streets includes the many unmarked streets in our community, many with sidewalks on one side, some with just shared space, while collectors are two lane streets marked with a yellow strip and having sidewalks on both sides (ie, Dalhart Road). Speed limit changes are not proposed for major streets such as most of Dalhousie Drive and 53 Street. Dalhousie street space is shared by residents and visitors of all ages, travelling by vehicle, on foot or by bike. The Dalhousie Community Association is asking residents to consider what an appropriate speed is for the streets in our community and encouraging you to take an active role in the engagement.

The DCA will endeavor to provide City engagement details on this website and our social media platforms (Facebook & Twitter) as it becomes available.


TT2019-1300 – 2019 October 21 SPC on Transportation & Transit Street Safety and Neighborhood Speed Limits Update

TT2019-1300 Attachment 1 (Summary of Previous Council Direction, Policy, Etc.)

TT2019-1300 Attachment 2 (Scenarios, Maps, Analysis)

TT2019-1300 Attachment 3 (Engagement Plan)

Minutes (2019 October 23) – SPC on Transportation & Transit

Step-Forward Pedestrian Strategy